
Sneak Peek At Beavis And Butt Head’s Return To MTV

The first preview of the new Beavis and Buttead series for MTV was premiered this weekend at the San Diego Comic Con.

The show has been off the air for fourteen years, and though there was talks of a live action film in 2008, it took until now to get the show back on MTV.

In the preview, Beavis and Butthead are up to their old tricks.  Watch as Beavis brings back his beloved ‘Cornholio’ character, and they dissect an episode of Jersey Shore from their famous couch.

Rather than music videos, TV, movies, and special events will be the subject of the boys’ couch talk.   In addition to Jersey Shore, the pair will be spoofing on ’16 & Pregnant,’ ‘Teen Mom,’ ‘Twilight,’ and The UFC among other things.

Looks like it’s going to be a hit again!

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One Response to Sneak Peek At Beavis And Butt Head’s Return To MTV

  1. July 25, 2011 at 1:44 pm #

    its almost august…when will this air!?

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