Kelly Osbourne Blasts Kate Middleton For Being An Outfit Repeater

Kelly Osbourne is really taking this fashion police gig seriously!

Not only did she take a swipe at Christina Aguilera recently, but now she’s taking a jab at the Dutchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, for being an outfit repeater!

During a chat with Jay Leno on his talk show, Osbourne said,

“In England they’re like, ‘Look how thrifty she’s being, showing the British public that the Royals are in a recession as well,'” Osbourne said. “Only in this country they call it a faux pas.”

She added, “I’m sorry, but if I had that job I would only wear it once,” Osbourne said. “If I am going to be the future bloody Queen of England I’m going to wear that dress once because I’m giving up the rest of my life, all of my privacy. At least I can get a new dress every day!”

Should Kate Middleton be ridiculed for wearing the same thing twice?

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