
Miley Cyrus Was ‘So Bored’ Filming Hannah Montana

Probably not exactly what Disney wants to hear, but back when Raven Symone was “So Raven,” Miley Cyrus was “So bored.”

Miley Cyrus is moving on from life as “Hannah Montana” by revealing she was “so bored” filming the series.

It made her a household name, but looking back on the Disney days Miley wishes she may have chosen another route.

She tells Prestige Magazine, “I miss the family vibe, but I don’t miss the routine at all. I was so bored doing the same thing every day. It’s a lot easier, not being on a show, to live my life a little bit and do some of the other thing that I want to do. I don’t have to be back at a certain time. You’re not worrying about a cast schedule or what the producers are going to think.”

Miley also admits that in guiding her little sister, Noah, 11, she would advise her to just wait it out.

She adds, “My little sister, who’s 11, wants to go into acting. I just say, ‘Just wait, dude, because the way you’re going to be when you’re my age and the way you are right now are so different. Don’t put yourself in a situation where people are going to think of you as only one thing. You’re going to change a lot. It interferes with your growing up if you’re not strong enough and you’re not sure who you want to be.’

“I’m glad I’m not a character anymore and able to be me.”

Should never bite the hands that feeds you!

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