
Backstage At the Emmy Awards, Where THIS Happened

Sort of an OMG moment backstage at the Emmy Awards last night, when Charlie Sheen was spotted chatting up Ashton Kutcher, who replaced him on Two and a Half Men.

Sheen posted the photo to his Twitter.com page with the caption:

“Seriously… @aplusk great talking to you! We’ll all be watching! Make us proud!!”

The new and improved Charlie Sheen seems to be in a great place, and that in itself is great to see.

Kutcher responded on his own Twitter page by writing: @charliesheen good to meet you too. Wishing you the best on your new gig.

That gig is Sheen’s new pilot, ‘Anger Management,’ a spin-off of the movie, where Sheen will play a therapist.

Kutcher’s ‘Two and a Half Men’ premieres tonight on CBS, while Sheen will be starring in his own Comedy Central Roast airing on the network tonight as well.


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