
Lindsay Lohan Shows Up Late To The Morgue

Day one got off to a bad start for Lindsay Lohan.

With just two weeks to prove herself worthy of another chance before her hearing on November 2nd, Lohan showed up to the morgue this morning for her community service 40 minutes late.

Lindsay Lohan was instructed by Judge Stephanie Saunter to perform four eight-hour shifts over the next two weeks before her hearing, and the actress had planned to one-up the judge and go every day for the next two weeks to show a little extra.

However, she was denied entry to the morgue when she showed up forty minutes late, and blamed it on not knowing what entrance to go in, and on the media who was waiting outside for her arrival.

According to the head of the LA morgue, Lohan’s people called around half past seven this morning to say she was in route and would be early, but as her 8:20 arrival time arrived, Lohan didn’t show up until nine.

He also claims the notion that she didn’t know where to enter was an excuse, because she’s been there before, and procedure has not changed.

We’ll have to see if she makes it on time tomorrow, but it’s not looking good for Lindsay so far.

The county Sheriff is reportedly not on her side as well.

A source claims:

“Lindsay absolutely is freaked out that she is going back to jail. Her lawyer is telling her that Judge Sautner could sentence her to up to a year behind bars. Lindsay has previously done her jail sentence at home under house arrest. However, the Los Angales County Sheriff, Lee Baca, who overseas the overcrowded jails in Los Angeles told a local television in Los Angeles station that he would make sure if sentenced, Lindsay would serve the sentence behind bars. Lindsay is hysterical and beyond consoling right now.

[It] was absolutely brutal for Lindsay the last time. She will do anything to not return to jail. Lindsay was isolated, and only allowed out her cell twice a day. Lindsay knows she has got herself into this situation, and she is hoping Judge Sautner will show some mercy, and not send her back.”

November 2nd can’t come soon enough!

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