
Is Lindsay Lohan Concerned About Her Father Showing Up For Her Hearing?

Lindsay Lohan’s big probation hearing is coming up next Wednesday, and jail is on the line. So is she worried her father might try and make a surprise appearance?

According to a friend, yes!   A source close to Lindsay explains,

“The last thing Lindsay needs is Michael showing up at her probation violation hearing. Neither the City Attorney, or Lindsay’s attorney would call him as a witness, but Michael creates his own rules, and has publicly said that he would talk to the judge, the probation officer, and the district attorney involved in Lindsay’s case. Lindsay’s attorney, could easily point to Michael Lohan if he appears, and tell the judge, ‘look at the gene pool my client comes from, her father was allegedly drunk, and fell out of a tree fleeing from the police,’. Lindsay is very concerned about her father, but she has enough going in her world right now, and she feels that it’s best if he just stay away.”

She may not have to worry, as we told you earlier he was locked up again on Wednesday for contacting Kate Major, and trying to escape from cops by jumping from the third story of his hotel and landing in a tree.

That judge may not take it easy on him, and he may be locked up until after the hearing all together.



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