
Kim Kardashian Releases A Statement Re: Divorce

Kim Kardashian has finally released a statement regarding her divorce from Kris Humphries.

Kim explains,

After careful consideration, I have decided to end my marriage. I hope everyone understands this was not an easy decision. I had hoped this marriage was forever, but sometimes things don’t work out as planned. We remain friends and wish each other the best.

Kim filed for divorce on Monday morning after just 72 days of marriage.


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One Response to Kim Kardashian Releases A Statement Re: Divorce

  1. November 1, 2011 at 11:22 pm #

    kim kardashian should just disappear off the face of the earth along with her family….. they are the most annoying family ever, and i, like sooo many people don’t understand why they should get paid millions for a ridiculous reality show, and for the endorsements, perfumes, commercials, on covers of magazines….etc. etc. etc….i mean is there anywhere that a person can go without seeing of hearing about these morons….and that’s exactly what they all are….. at this point, since she is now divorced, i feel that her so-called popularity will go downward along with her greedy family……kris humphries should be releaved now that she’s gone,,,get on with his life, and be thankful he’s no longer in her shadow…….the whole clan gets me ill along with thousands of people……,,,,,for sure………nuf said…………….

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