
ABC’s ‘Once Upon A Time’ Gets a Full Season Pick Up

ABC has already axed ‘Charlie’s Angels’ from the fall lineup but three series’ have been given the full season pick up.

Happy Endings, which is flanking ABC’s smash hit ‘Modern Family,’ on the Wednesday night line up, was given a full season, as was Tim Allen’s ‘Last Man Standing.’

ABC’s self proclaimed breakout drama ‘Once Upon a Time’ was also picked up for a full season.

As for the fate of ‘Pan Am,’ the show has hit a bit of turbulence in it’s first season, but ABC is not ready to push the eject button just yet. The network has given the show 5 more scripts at turning things around.

What do you guys think of ‘Once Upon a Time’ getting a full season?  The verdict is still out for the show in our opinions.

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