
Justin Timberlake Blogs About Emotional Evening At Marine Corp Ball

Justin Timberlake attended the Marine Corp Ball that he was invited to over YouTube earlier this year on Saturday, and the singer admits to fighting back tears after watching a video presentation about World War 2.

Timberlake attended the ball with Kelsey de Santis, the marine who invited Timberlake via YouTube.com back in July, and he the singer/actor took time  on Sunday to write about the night on his official blog.

JT writes, “I’m writing this out to all of you after attending an event that turned out to be one of the most moving evenings I’ve ever had… I knew I would have an evening that I wouldn’t forget… Something I could tell my friends about. What I didn’t know was how moved I would be by the whole experience. I’ve always been very vocal about my support of our Armed Forces… To say I was stoked to be there would be more than accurate. I had the opportunity to sit with Kelsey, get to know her and get a tiny glimpse into what her life as a marine was like. She seemed to me to be so humble and honest… Very cool. She also simultaneously seemed like she was nervous about… if I was going to enjoy myself. I have to tell you, it’s not every day that I meet a 23-year-old girl and she’s more worried about if I’m having fun or if I’m comfortable! I was really blown away.”

Going into more detail about the event, including a video about World War II, and the 9/11 attacks  that nearly brought him to tears, Timberlake writes, “What happened then took me by such surprise that I was almost brought to tears… I was truly moved. I felt so proud to be there. I felt like I was getting a chance to be among my heroes. It’s funny too because a lot of them are so younger than me. They made me feel so welcome to be there and I’ll never forget it… Last night changed my life and I will never forget it.”

So good to see Timberlake attending the ball, and giving back to the troops that give so much to Americans every day.

We’d like to send an extra special thanks to them as well!


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