
Kat Von D Reveals: Jesse James Cheated With 19 Women

This just sucks for Kat Von D!

She was the one person who believed in Jesse James following his split with Sandra Bullock and the two began a year long relationship complete with an engagement and wedding date!

Unfortunately for Kat, there were 19 other girls over that year long period as well! 19!!!!

In a blog post on her official Facebook page, the LA Ink star wrote;

“Today I encountered the 19th girl to add to the list of people Jesse cheated on me with during this last year,”

“I kept going back and forth in my mind as to what the best way would be for me to release and let go of any residual feelings remaining from that toxic relationship.”

Kat adds that she’s “sad” over the fact that James seeks “validation through the attention of women over being a good father, a sincere friend, a better coworker, and a happy individual.”

“I tried my best to go through all of this without venting, or complaining, or fueling more tabloid mumbo jumbo,” she writes. “[But] this is about me making peace with myself, and forgiving myself for making some bad mistakes.”

A leopard can’t change it’s spots!

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