
Dexter Ending After Two More Seasons?

Dexter could soon be coming to an end!

The show was just recently given two more seasons, but according to Showtime President David Nevins, it could be setting up for a big series finale.

“There’s things that are going to happen [this season] that will set up a very clear endgame that will take two seasons to tell. Things could take a turn creatively where they come to us and say they need more time.”

So there’s the chance that it could be extended, however they are aiming for an end with season 8.

What do you guys think?  Is it time to call a wrap on Dexter after 8 seasons?  Is it time for him to be found out?

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One Response to Dexter Ending After Two More Seasons?

  1. December 13, 2011 at 5:19 pm #

    no its not time it must go on

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