
How Seal and Heidi Klum Explained Split To The Children

Heidi Klum and Seal’s split was not only a hard decision for them to make, but also a decision that they had to share with their four children.

Admitting that it’s never easy to explain something like that to a child, Seal appeared on Access Hollywood to explain just how they broke the news to the kids.

Seal explained, “We talk to them, we try to explain as best we could what is going on,” says Seal of breaking the news to his four children with estranged wife Heidi Klum.  We’re just explaining to them that things will be different, you know, without going into too much detail. Things will be different.”

Seal told host Billy Bush that a reconciliation was not out of the question, but that the first priority was to make sure that their children feel loved.

“The main thing is to make sure that they feel that they’re loved. Make sure they understand that their parents love each other [and] … it has absolutely nothing to do with them.”

Check out Seal’s appearance on Access Hollywood below.


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