
Clint Eastwood Donates Super Bowl Ad Fee To Charity

Clint Eastwood’s Super Bowl commercial for Detroit and Chrysler has been getting very positive reviews, with some even considering it the best of the night, but there are those out there trying to point out potential ulterior motives.

The actor has been accused of Endorsing President Obama in the ad, which he supports the re-surging Detroit auto industry by saying , “They almost lost everything. But we all pulled together – now Motor City is fighting again. Yeah, it’s halftime, America. And our second half’s about to begin.”

Clint Eastwood has refuted the claim that he’s endorsing President Obama or any political candidate  by telling Fox, “l am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr. Obama. It was meant to be a message about just about (sic) job growth and the spirit of America. I think all politicians will agree with it. I thought the spirit was OK.”

“I am not supporting any politician at this time. Chrysler, to their credit, didn’t even have cars in the ad. Anything they gave me for it went for charity.” “If… Obama or any other politician wants to run with the spirit of that ad, go for it.”

What did you think of Clint Eastwood’s Chrysler commercial.   Very Gran Torino!


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