
Grammy Organizers Defend Decision Of Chris Brown Performance

Chris Brown made his return to the Grammy stage just three years after the incident that left his girlfriend Rihanna beaten and bruised in a car the night before the big show.

Brown took the stage and wowed the crowd with his dancing talents and his latest single.

However, least we forget what this man did to one of music’s most lovable women just three years ago?

Niel Portnow, President of The Recording Academy which hosts the Grammy Awards said Brown was asked to perform due to his latest career success.

“That’s really where the judgment comes from: music professionals listening to the music of other professionals. Clearly, our voting membership rated highly Chris’ musical work this past year. If we’re going to get in trying to personally evaluate artists in terms of their personal lives, that’s a slippery slope that we wouldn’t want to get into.”

The show’s producer,  Ken Ehrlich has also offered his support to the embattled Kiss Kiss star, admitting he was “kind of rooting” for Brown’s comeback.

Ehrlich told  CBS This Morning, “I just believe people deserve a second chance. The year he had this year really brought him back into the public. He really deserved a second chance.”

Just goes to show that fans are able to forgive and forget as well.

Maybe he did deserve to be on the show?

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