
George Clooney Raising Funds To Help Retired Actors

George Clooney is leading the charge on a new fundraiser that will help older entertainers who have fallen on hard times.

Clooney, along with  film producer Jeffrey Katzenberg are hoping to raise $350 million to benefit the Motion Picture & Television Fund (MPTF), an organization which provides heath care and other services to struggling showbusiness professionals and retirees.

Says Clooney of the campaign, which has already raised $200 million, “I was raised to believe that, as a community, we should be judged by how we take care of people who can’t take care of themselves. This is our community. This is our commitment.”

Big names including  Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg have already gotten involved, but the group is hoping other big names will join in and help out.

Bob Beitcher, an MPTF executive, adds, “The fact is that today we can’t anticipate what kind of help and support they’ll need from MPTF. But we can be certain that there will continue to be needs that otherwise won’t be filled without the support of our charity.”

The Motion Picture and Television Fund was founded in all the way back in 1921 by Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford, among others.

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