
Khloe Kardashian Cuts Ties With PETA

Khloe Kardashian is cutting all ties with PeTA after her sister Kim Kardashian was bombed with flour at an event in Los Angeles last week.

Khloe posed nude for one of PeTA’s anti-fur ads a few years back, but in a new announcement on her official blog, she reveals she will no longer be supporting the non profit as one of her causes.

She writes, “I just received word that the woman responsible has very close ties to PETA, despite PETA publicly stating otherwise. Not only has PETA lied to the public, but they have proved that they support this kind of behavior. I’ve been a vocal supporter of PETA for a long time but I have also been very vocal about anti-bullying, so this was a huge disappointment for me. As you all know, I don’t condone violence and bullying and what happened last Thursday was just that.”

PeTA responded on Tuesday morning saying, “We appreciate that Khloé will remain on the animals’ side by not wearing fur – that’s what counts. If one of our volunteers is responsible, it doesn’t alter the fact that no animal deserves to be electrocuted, shot, or poisoned for a bit of fur clothing. Khloé is just defending her sister, and we know she has a good heart, so we wish her well. We just wish she also had more influence on her sister.”

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