
Lindsay Lohan Accuser Has A Clean Record After All

Looks like the man accusing Lindsay Lohan of a hit and run in Hollywood isn’t the bad boy he was made out to be last week after all.

Thaer Kamal was accused of using false alias’ and multiple cases of insurance fraud after he accused the actress of a hit in run in Hollywood earlier this month, but it appears his criminal record isn’t as dirty as once thought, because it is pretty much non exsistant.

A lawyer for Kamal has responded to the claims, saying

“Let’s be very clear about this, Thaer Kamal has never been investigated for insurance fraud, fraud, staging car accidents or anything even remotely related to any illegal criminal behavior. Thaer doesn’t have a criminal record, has never been arrested and this is the first time he has ever filed a claim with his insurance company. Thaer is disgusted that these false reports have been made.”

Kamal’s attorney’s are looking into who is the source behind the slanderous comments, and even considering legal action.

If his slate is clean, maybe the claims against Lohan are true.  Still, why has he not cooperated with officers trying to get his statement?

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