
Judge To Lindsay Lohan: “Stop The Nightclubbing”

Lindsay Lohan was in court on Thursday to face the judge over her completion of her community service and probation.

Lohan wrapped up her court ordered therapist sessions on Tuesday before finishing her duties at the morgue on Wednesday, and was in court for one last showdown with judge Stephanie Saunter on Thursday afternoon in Los Angeles.

The judge said, “She has done everything this court has asked of her.”

But with one final supportive message from Saunter, the judge told Lindsay: “You need to live your life in a more mature way,” Sautner said. “Stop the nightclubbing and focus on your work. I don’t expect to see you again.”

Lindsay thanked the judge for being fair, and promised to make the most of the opportunities that have been gained from all of this.

Can she stay on the path?  Hopefully!

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One Response to Judge To Lindsay Lohan: “Stop The Nightclubbing”

  1. March 30, 2012 at 12:18 pm #

     Cowards falter, but danger is often overcome by those who nobly dare.

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