
Kris Humphries Not Ready To Let Go… Of The Spotlight?

Plenty of speculation over whether or not Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries would get an annulment of their marriage, or the traditional divorce, and nothing has happened yet.

According to a source close to the NBA star, he’s decided to drag this thing out as long as he can.

The source, who is anonymous, claims; “He’s doing anything he can to get her attention. She would grant a divorce in a second. But he won’t sign the papers. He won’t let go. Kris wants money and he wants fame. Kim doesn’t care if she never sees another camera again. She is just a totally different person.”

Another source is claiming that Humphries is trying to get the whole thing, including the trial, televised.  Mostly because he feels his image was tarnished by the split.   That could be evident of the boos he receives in every NBA arena he steps inside so far this season.

The second source claims, “Kris is not a conniving person; he just wants to clear his name because it was tarnished.”

While he was made to look a tiny bit bad on the series,  you’d have to assume most people would want to just get it over with and move on.   Most people dont have the opportunity to make a ton of money on something like this.



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