
Pamela Anderson Owes More Than $500,000 In Back Taxes

Pamela Anderson has slipped through the cracks of the tax man again, after failing to pay state tax in California.

The actress reportedly owes $524,241 in personal income taxes, according to a new list of debts  that was released by The Franchise Tax Board last Friday.

According to a law, names of those owing more than $100,000 must be released.

Celebrities some times fall under these lists due to earning money in many different directions and just general accounting error.  Anderson will likely have the mess cleared up upon finding out she owes the money.

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One Response to Pamela Anderson Owes More Than $500,000 In Back Taxes

  1. April 17, 2012 at 3:01 am #

    Pamela is pay more tax in any circumstance.

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