
‘Dark Knight Rises’ Trailer To Play Before ‘Avengers’

Because why not boost ticket sales through the roof, and why not pit Marvel vs. DC fans in one dark room for three hours,  a trailer for ‘Dark Knight Rises’ will play before the opening of ‘The Avengers’ when it hits theaters in less than two weeks.

An executive at Warner Bros. explained of the decision, “We see this placement as a good strategic decision. We always want our trailers to be seen with films that people want to see — and a lot of people will be going to ‘The Avengers.'”

It does make sense as a business decision, and wouldn’t be the first time that Warner Bros. has put a DC trailer in front of a Marvel film.  In 2008 they showed the trailer for ‘The Dark Knight’ ahead of the release of ‘Iron Man.’

Although the fan base of ‘The Avengers’ probably needs no motivation to see ‘Dark Knight Rises’ when it is released this summer, this move will likely bring in a few of the Batman faithful who were going to wait for ‘The Avengers’ on DVD.


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