
Lindsay Lohan’s Newest Role Requires Hightened Insurance

Now that Lindsay Lohan is confirmed to play Elizabeth Taylor in the new Lifetime flick, ‘Liz & Dick,’ there are some major details to be ironed out, most of which involve liability.

Producers behind the project are taking the safest of measures to ensure that Lohan, who is fresh off of a couple stints in jail, and a known party animal, doesn’t screw the entire production by returning to her old habits.

Producer Larry Thompson has revealed in a statement:

“Lindsay Lohan may be the most insured actress that ever walked on a soundstage, for this movie. We’ve tried to anticipate a lot of things. We hope none of them happen. [Her contract includes] three pages of what-ifs. We thought we’d maybe minimize some risk by shooting here in LA. We have the illusion that maybe we can control the situation a bit better … Now if I learn to regret it, sitting here today I think it is still — for the movie— a great risk to run.”

Three pages of “what-if’s” certainly does not show a whole lot of faith in Lohan, but the risk is hopefully worth the reward for those behind the film.  When production starts, time will tel.

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One Response to Lindsay Lohan’s Newest Role Requires Hightened Insurance

  1. April 30, 2012 at 12:29 pm #

     Always try to do something for the other fellow and
    you will be agreeably surprised how things come your way – how many
    pleasing things are done for you.

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