
Rihanna Unfollows Chris Brown After He Links A Music Track

They seemed to have moved past their differences, re-following each other on Twitter and conversing from time to time, and lets not forget collaborating on a couple of songs, but the truce is no longer.

Rihanna quickly un-followed Brown on Twitter after he posted a link to a pretty nasty song.

Brown posted a remix to Kanye West’s ‘Theraflu,’ in which he raps,  “Don’t f–k with my old bitches … like a bad fur … every industry n–ga done had her.

“Trick or treat like a pumpkin … just to smash her.”

The un-follow was almost immediate, and Brown quickly returned the favor by unfollowing Rihanna.


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One Response to Rihanna Unfollows Chris Brown After He Links A Music Track

  1. May 10, 2012 at 9:01 pm #

    Rihanna does not follow to chris Brown for which type of Reason he Links a Music Track.

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