
Kris Humphries Ready To Settle Divorce From Kim Kardashian

Kris Humphries has reportedly had enough of the drama.

The NBA’s most hated player is ready to settle his divorce from Kim Kardashian according to a report.

Kardashian and Humphries  have been battling since their 72-day marriage ended, but now that Kim has publically moved on to Kanye West, Kris is throwing in the towel.

A source tells The Chicago Sun Times, “Kris finally realizes he can no longer keep ‘fighting city hall. The Kardashians are just too powerful and have too much money to fight him with.”

“It’s got really nasty since Kim went public with her affair with Kanye.”

Kris is reportedly tired of all of the bashing from fans, and teasing from his teammates.  He probably doesn’t love being the punch line of a Kanye West song either.


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