
Does Donald Trump Have Some Explaining To Do? Contestant Claims Miss USA Fixed!

Sour grapes over a poor finish, or a valid claim?  Donlad Trump is going to be faced with some tough questions.

Sheena Monnin, Miss Pennsylvania USA 2012 has resigned from her spot in the Miss Universe Organization after claiming that she had witnessed “fraudulent” behavior by show officials at the Miss USA pagaent this past weekend, claiming that the top five finalists were pre selected before the show went on the air.

The 27-year-old beauty queen took to her Facebook to claim that another contestant “saw a folder lying open to a page that said ‘FINAL SHOW Telecast, June 3, 2012’ and she saw the places for Top 5 already filled in.”

Monnin writes, “In good conscience I can no longer be affiliated in any way with an organization I consider to be fraudulent, lacking in morals, inconsistent, and in many ways trashy. I do not support this system in any way. In my heart I believe in honesty, fair play, a fair opportunity, and high moral integrity, none of which in my opinion are part of this pageant system any longer.”

The question begs, what if it’s true but she had been placed in the top five?  Would she have kept quiet then?

The Organization has taken aim at Monin by releasing a part of her resignation email, in which she criticized the inclusion of transgender contestants, saying: “I refuse to be part of a pageant system that has so far and so completely removed itself from its foundational principles as to allow and support natural born males to compete in it. This goes against ever (sic) moral fiber of my being.”

Trump has gotten a jab in as well, insisting that he’s going to sue Monnin over the “ridiculous” accusations, adding that the organizations doesn’t even care who the final contestants are.

The billionaire thinks “she’s angry about losing,”  and threw in that he believes “she didn’t deserve to be in the top 15.”

We’re sure the Miss Pennsylvania USA runner up will be happy to take over the duties.

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