
Charlie Sheen Get’s Explicit At Staples Center

Charlie Sheen was in the building in Los Angeles last night to watch the LA Kings try and win the Stanley Cup Finals against the New Jersey Devils, however while the Kings weren’t “winning,” in the building last night, neither was Sheen.

Charlie became upset with a security officer after he wasn’t allowed back into the arena after a smoke break, and proceeded to tell the security guard:

“You know what? F**king blow my balls, alright, you f**king asshole.”

Camera men from TMZ were outside asking Sheen about the incident in which he told them:

”Have common sense and common courtesy gone in society? That was what I was trying to impress upon her. Let a guy go back in the door he came through.”

Sheen’s new series, ‘Anger Management’ will premiere on FX on June 28.


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One Response to Charlie Sheen Get’s Explicit At Staples Center

  1. June 8, 2012 at 12:07 pm #

    Apparently he’s ‘Winning’ again….his words not mine


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