
Rihanna Dishes On Chris Brown in July Esquire

Rihanna (topless of course) is on the cover of the new Esquire Magazine, and someone has finally went there asking the singer about her collaboration with Chris Brown!

Brown and Rihanna did the unthinkable when they recorded a couple of songs together earlier this year, and some fans were every upset with her decision to even associate with him after the events of 2009.

Rihanna admits she’s still dealing with some of the backlash.

“It never occurred to me how this was going to be a problem. I thought people were gonna be surprised that we finally did a record together, but I didn’t see how people could think it was a bad thing, you know? In my mind, it was just music… I could never see anything wrong with making music.”
She adds, “If I went back to him (as a girlfriend), then that’s a whole different discussion… If I ever do, then that’s something that y’all have to talk to me about when – if – that ever happens. Until then, look at it for what it is.”

The July issue of Esquire is out now!


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