
Mark Wahlberg To Complete High School Diploma

Despite being a huge movie star, Mark Wahlberg is set to complete some unfinished business.

The actor is heading back to high school to get his diploma.   Wahlberg dropped out of school at the young age of 13 after a stint in jail, and went on to be a model and actor rather than attaining his high school diploma.   He tells David Letterman;

“I am going back now. They have this new program in Massachusetts now where you can actually take the courses online, so I’m starting this month; I’m gonna go and get my high school diploma.”

Marky Mark hopes he can finish the whole thing up in a couple of months, as he frequently has down time on the set of his blockbuster films.

He adds, “It’s an actual diploma, so I gotta take up all the courses that I missed and I’m a little nervous, but… I have a lot of down time on sets and in trailers so I just wanna blast through (the course). Hopefully be able to do it (graduate) in six to eight months.”

One of Wahlberg’s main reasons for getting his diploma is for his children, however the actor is also serving as the spokesman for fast food restaurant Taco Bell’s Graduate To Go program, which provides support to at-risk students, and he wan’ts to be a model spokesperson for the program.

“They asked me to do this and I was like, ‘Dude, I never graduated, why would you pick me to do this?'”

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