
Jack Osbourne Fired From Reality Show Over MS Diagnosis


Jack Osbourne is determined to not let his multiple sclerosis diagnosis get him down, putting all of his focus into planning his upcoming wedding, and appearing on a new reality show.   That is before execs on the show fired him ahead of production due to his condition.

Jack Osbourne appeared on “The Talk” on Wednesday to chat with his mother and the girls about how he had been let go from the unnamed show over fears about his condition.

Osbourne said, “I had just booked a job right when I got diagnosed and unfortunately the company that hire me didn’t think I could actually perform the job. Out of everything, that’s what ticked me off the most, because it’s like, ‘Don’t tell me what I can and cannot do!'”

Sharon Osbourne, who also acts as her son’s manager also revealed that she got word of the firing by way of a “cowardly letter”, in which producers explained that they thought Jack was “too much of a responsibility.”

Sharon took to her Twitter page on Thursday to confirm the questions from fans, saying, “Yes @MrJacko was fired. They said he was a liability & were so personable, sent an email to let us know.”


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