
George Zimmerman Speaks, Says Shooting Was “God’s Plan”

George Zimmerman sat down for his first on air interview since being released from prison on a $1,000,000 bond for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

Zimerman recounted the events of that evening with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, where he revealed that the shooting was “all part of god’s plan.”

The neighborhood watchman apologized fort Martin’s mother and father having to bury their child and, when asked if he regrets anything that happened that February night, he said, “No.”

“I feel that it was all God’s plan, and for me to second guess it or judge it,” Zimmerman said while shaking his head.

Zimmerman stuck to his story that Martin was the agressor, and that he feared for his life after having his head slammed on the concrete “more than a dozen” times.   He also insists that he was not following the young teen after the police non emergency line receptionist instructed him not to, but that he was walking from the back of the town homes to the next street over, to give them a more accurate address of his location, when Martin came at him.

Martin’s parents appeared on ‘Fox & Friends’ Thursday morning where they said his apology seemed “insincere” and added that they were troubled that the man accused of killing their son considered it all “God’s plan.”

Tracy Martin, the teen’s father said, “I don’t understand what he was thinking by saying it was God’s plan that he murdered our child. I really don’t understand what God he worships because it’s not the same God that I worship.”

Sabrina Fulton, the mother of Trayvon Martin, added,

“Why would God have him kill an unarmed teenager?” she asked. “It makes no sense.”

Check out a clip below, and watch more of the interview by clicking here.


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