
LeBron James Snubbed By Olympic Swimmer

Some times you just HAVE to turn down dinner with LeBron James.

Olympic gold medalist swimmer Lauren Perdue apparently turned down a dinner invitation from the NBA Finals MVP, but curfew was to blame.

Perdue uploaded a photo of the two to her instagram page after a meeting of Olympic athletes in the Olympic village with the caption “Oh heyy Lebron,” and then proceeded to tweet (and delete) “Lebron James just inivited me to dinner… Um wuuuuuttt?!?”

When asked about the invite, Lauren clarified to The Charlotte Observer that King James was just being friendly.  “He was kind of joking, but he was basically like, ‘Would you like to come eat with me at the dining hall?’ And I said, ‘Um, I’m sorry, I have a curfew. So I turned that one down, yeah.”

James is catching all sorts of flack over his intentions for the report, being that he’s engaged with two children, but what’s wrong with a little dinner among teammates?

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