
Justin Timberlake Won’t Be Recording A New Album… Yet?

There was a glimpse of hope for a new Justin Timberlake record for about ten minutes today, before our hopes and dreams of new JT material  were crushed.

A report surfaced this morning that JT was back in the studio with Timbaland, collaborating on material for a follow-up to his hit record ‘FutureSex/LoveSounds, but the singers publicist has come forward and denied everything.

Producer Jim Beanz came forward during an interview claiming that he was planning to soon work with the dynamic duo, saying;

“When I get back to the States I’m going to be helping out on Shock Value 3 with Timbaland and the Justin Timberlake project. It’s still in the early stages, but they have a lot of tracks. While I’ve been over here in the UK they’ve been working, so by the time I get back they’ll have a whole load of ideas and I’m going to have to catch up! He has some crazy, crazy stuff. There are certain artists who live in the moment and the reason why FutureSex/LoveSounds was so amazing is because he didn’t try to top Justified. There are certain artists who can get inside with great charisma and energy and make great music every time. So it’s not really about topping the last record, it’s more about topping music that comes on the radio. Everything is so similar that it’s about topping that and doing something different, and that’s what they are going for. He’s going to kill it.”

Turns out Timberlake will be contributing to ‘Shock Value 3,’ so we may get him on a track or two, but as for a full length Timberlake album, the wait is STILL on.

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