
Wayne Brady Booed Over Joke Aimed At Sarah Palin’s Son

Wayne Brady isn’t typically known for out of line behavior or racy jokes, but all is fair during a Comedy Centrail roast.  Or is it?

During the roast of Roseanne which aired Sunday night, Wayne Brady was showered with a chorus of boos from the crowd after firing a joke in the direction of Sarah Palin’s son Trig, who suffers from Down’s Syndrome.

Brady was roasting comedian Jeffrey Ross when he said, “Now the thing is Jeff … these are all jokes, and I really like you. I really, really like you. But a lot of people hate you, especially Sarah Palin because you remind her of what Trig is going to look like when he’s 40.”

After a few boos, Brady added, “Oh, now you boo me? F*ck y’all. I don’t want to hear that. These people say all of this sh*t about me, and you boo me because of Trig?”

Did Wayne Brady go too far bringing Palin’s child into it?



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