
Lindsay Lohan To Make $2 Million in 2012

For the past few years, you’ve just otherwise referred to Lindsay Lohan as “broke actress.”   But in 2012, things have taken a positive turn for Lohan, because it’s been revealed that in 2012 she will make more than $2 million dollars.

Sources involved with Lindsay’s finances have released a breakdown of her earnings for the year to TMZ, which is topped by the hefty $1 million dollar Playboy deal.

For her Lifetime movie, ‘Liz & Dick,’ Lindsay earned $300,000 and for the indy flick ‘The Canyons,’ her payday was the minimum $6,480.

The latest movie news is that Lohan is close to signing a deal worth $200,000 to appear in the fifth Scary Movie film, which will cause for her to surpass the $2 million dollar mark for the year.

Not too bad for a financial comeback…

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