
Lindsay Lohan Questioned Over Jewelry Theft After House Party

Lindsay Lohan knows a thing or two about jewelry theft, but we like to believe she has learned her lesson and wouldn’t get caught up in that again, right?

So why did cops question Lohan over a jewel heist this weekend?

Turns out Lohan attended and spent the night at a house party in the Hollywood Hills, where the home owner uncovered some missing jewelry the following morning.  So why did they go after Lindsay with questions?

Lohan reportedly brought 2 men to the exclusive party, and these two men are the prime suspects in the heist.   Lindsay also brought her assistant and her brother Cody to the party, and didn’t leave until around noon on Monday, after the owner discovered that several expensive watches and sunglasses were missing.

Lindsay was informed by the cops that she was not a suspect, and left shortly after, but the owner believes that the two men Lindsay brought to the party are to blame.

The case is under investigation.


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One Response to Lindsay Lohan Questioned Over Jewelry Theft After House Party

  1. August 21, 2012 at 3:01 pm #

    Not a suspect? Interesting. Not how about ‘do you want me to show the insides of my body crevices cause that’s likely where you might find the good stuff.’ Or not ‘if you throw me against the wall once or twice I might just break down and tell you everything’ or simply ‘please officer if you don’t arrest me for all the sticky plastic baggies in my purse I promise to be a good girl and describe exactly where them two bixches you are looking for live.‘


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