
Hank Williams Jr. Takes Aim At President Obama At Iowa Concert


It’s an election year, so lots of attacks on President Obama are coming from the right, (and some from the left) one specifically from Hank Williams Jr.

The country singer is not new to bashing the President, but comments made on Friday night during a performance in front of 8,000 people at the Iowa State Fair is making extra noise.

Williams took aim at the POTUS right before playing his track “We Don’t Apologize For America,” saying;  “We’ve got a Muslim president who hates farming, hates the military, hates the U.S. and we hate him.”


Despite the fact that Obama is a practicing Christian,  his father is known to have practiced Islam.

Last October, Williams Jr. became embattled in a dispute with ABC/ESPN after he compared the Prez to Adolf hitler, causing the network to pull his long running “Are You Ready For Some Football?” tune to be pulled from it’s weekly spot.  He later apologized for the remark.


It’s pretty clear who Hank will be voting for this coming November.

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