
Ashley Tisdale Hard At Work On Scary Movie 5 in Atlanta

Ashley Tisdale is hard at work in Atlanta on Scary Movie 5, and she’ll be joined by some pretty big names as production of the film is underway.

Tisdale has been doing rehearsals in Atlanta all week alongside Simon Rex (Dirt Nasty), with whom she was a little unsure about at first.

The former Disney star took to her Twitter page to write; “Off to rehearsal with @dirtnasty, still figuring out if I like him based off his twitter name lol #scarymovie5″

The controversial rapper responded to Tisdale, insisting if the name Dirt Nasty made her uneasy, she should simply call him Simon.  He replied; “Then call me Simon.”

Rex and Tisdale will soon be joined by other big named stars on the set, including Charlie Sheen, and Lindsay Lohan, who will play Sheen’s character’s love interest.



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One Response to Ashley Tisdale Hard At Work On Scary Movie 5 in Atlanta

  1. August 28, 2012 at 1:55 am #

    She is making a good Hardworking in the Movie 5 in the Atlanta .

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