
Lance Armstrong Ends Fight Against Doping Allegations

Lance Armstrong will be stripped of his record breaking seven Tour de France titles after declaring that he will end his fight against the doping allegations that have put a negative mark on his career.

Armstrong has long denied the use of performance-enhancing drugs, but in June the cyclist was formally re-charged with taking illegal substances by the USADA.

A suit was filed against the agency, and their Chief Exeutive Travis Tygart, claiming that they were going after him personally, but a Texas judge dismissed the case.

In his latest revelation, Armstrong has confirmed he will not file another appeal or try to fight the USADA any longer, but he is insisting that it is not an admission of guilt on his part.

The athlete says in a statement;  “There comes a point in every man’s life when he has to say, ‘Enough is enough.’ For me, that time is now.”

“I have been dealing with claims that I cheated and had an unfair advantage in winning my seven Tours since 1999… The toll this has taken on my family, and my work for our foundation and on me leads me to where I am today – finished with this nonsense.”

“If I thought for one moment that by participating in USADA’s process, I could confront these allegations in a fair setting and – once and for all – put these charges to rest, I would jump at the chance. But I refuse to participate in a process that is so one-sided and unfair.”

Armstrong will put all of his time and effort into his foundation with the goal of helping others.

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