
Katy Perry Reportedly Turned Down A $20 Million Dollar Offer From American Idol



More news that is sure to make smoke pour out of Mariah Carey’s ears.

A new report on TMZ claims that American Idol desperately wanted Katy Perry for the upcoming season on the judges panel, and they wanted her so bad they were prepared to offer her $20 million dollars.

A source told the site that Idol was after Perry for weeks, and after she turned down their starting offer of $18 million, they came back with an offer for $20.

Perry reportedly made it clear that it wasn’t the money that was an issue, but that she just wasn’t interested.

No word on whether or not this was before or after Mariah Carey was signed on to the tune of $18 million, but if it was after, she’s got to be going crazy by now!

Carey reportedly didn’t handle the news very well that she show was “close to a deal” with Nicki Minaj, so how could she have been pleased to find out they offered Katy Perry more than her?

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