
Kristen Cavallari Approves Baby Lachey’s Name Choice

Kristen Cavallari has taken to Twitter to make mention of the striking coincidence in the name of her son, Camden Jack, and the name of Nick Lachey and Vanessa Manillo’s new baby boy, Camden John.

Cavallari gave birth to Camden Jack on August 8, with fiance Jay Cutler. Just a little over a month later, September 12, Lachey and Manillo welcomed Camden John.

K-Cav wrote:  “Apparently Camden is a popular name!” just after the news broke of the birth of the young Lachey.

“By the way, that wasn’t a b—-y tweet at all … I obviously love the name and I’m glad other people do too,”  Kristen followed up to the response that she might be accusing the Lacheys of name stealing.

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