
Hulk Hogan Threatening Lawsuit Over Leaked Sex Tape

Wrestling Hall of Famer Hulk Hogan is set to launch a legal battle over his leaked sex tape.

Gawker.com posted a 90 second preview of the footage, which shows Hogan, real name Terry Boella, getting cozy with a mystery brunette.

Hogan has launched a move to block publication of the tape, having his legal team draft a cease and desist letter to remove the footage.

Attorney David R. Houston says in a statement, “This tape was made secretly without Hulk’s knowledge or permission. We are going to do everything in our power to figure out who did it. Anyone displaying the tape will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

The scandal emerged last March, and Hogan vowed to take “all necessary steps” to block the release of the footage.  It took until October to see the light of day, and it seems like Hulk is going to own up to his demands.

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