
Tori Spelling Nearly Bled To Death While Giving Birth To Fourth Child

Tori Spelling is finally speaking out about the complications that put her back in the hospital after giving birth to her fourth child, Finn Davey last month.

Spelling got pregnant with Finn just one month after giving birth to her third child, and eight weeks into her pregnancy, she was diagnosed with a rare bleeding disorder.

Spelling spoke with Us Weekly, and told the mag; “I was getting a massage at home and I felt wetness. I looked down and saw blood. My heart dropped. I started screaming for (my husband) Dean (McDermott) and told him, ‘I just had a miscarriage.’ But the next day I went to the hospital and the doctor said everything was fine.”

Docs warned Spelling that the bleeding episodes would not stop, and that it could potentially threaten her life if it happened before she was 24 weeks pregnant.

She added, “My doctor kept telling me that at any point I could have a big bleed where they’d be forced to take me to surgery and deliver the baby. If that happened before 24 weeks, they said the baby wouldn’t survive but they would do it to save my life. I was like, ‘No! You have to save the baby!’ He told me, ‘You don’t understand: If you lose enough blood, you could die…’

“It was so surreal. I just remember thinking, I can’t leave three children behind… I kept thinking… ‘Am I supposed to make videos for them? Should I write something down for them to have?'”

After four weeks on bed rest,  Spelling gave birth to Finn on Aug. 30.  She continued,  “When he came out, I couldn’t wait to have him in my arms.”

Spelling was hospitalized three weeks after giving birth after her C-section scar burst, leading many internet rumors to arrive claiming that she was secretly undergoing a tummy tuck. Spelling denied the rumors and is now telling all.

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