
Lindsay Lohan Speaks About Fight With Mother Dina

Lindsay Lohan has spoken out for the first time since her altercation with her mother Dina in NYC on Wednesday morning.

Lindsay wanted to clear a few things up, since the release of an audio tape of her on the phone with her father Michael Lohan surfaced, where she claimed her mother of being high on cocaine.  The actress claims that Dina was not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol, and that she lied to her dad in the heat of the moment.

She reveals;

“I told my dad a really hurtful and untruthful lie about my mom. She was not on cocaine … Daughters have fights with their moms. It happens a lot. It’s normal.”

Michael Lohan was instructed by Lindsay to record the convo, but she is not very pleased with her father for releasing what she calls an “edited” version of the tape, in order to get his own name in the headlines. She added;

“I’m ashamed for him. It is hurtful for me that he has chosen this road again.”

Lindsay claims this is the last straw, and that she is now “done” with her father.

Hopefully she’s just not back tracking now in order to protect her mother…

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