
Boy George Calls Out Lady Gaga For “Occasional Coke Use”

Lady Gaga has recently came out on speculation that she’s a drug user by revealing that she occasionally does a little cocaine, justifying it by saying “by occasionally, I mean once or twice a year.”

Still, thats one or two times too many for Boy George, who wrote on his blog:

“If Lady Gaga were about to be exposed as a drug user I would understand her recent confession… that she is an ‘occasional’ coke sniffer. But why offer up this information on a whim? Could it be that her use of coke is not so ‘occasional?’ As a recovering addict who knows how dangerous ‘occasional’ use is, I can think of no reason for Gaga to reveal this to her young audience.”

“My mum had the best take on this: ‘She’s reached the stage where she feels untouchable, you all get there – you did, son.’ I can’t argue with that! One has to wonder how much of a grip Gaga has on things. Up until now she has seemed almost annoyingly professional and focused and this seems out of character! Isn’t saying you’re an ‘occasional’ drug taker a bit like saying you’re bisexual? That usually means you’re raving.”

He surely knows better than anyone, but who is he to judge?

We just hope Gaga doesn’t spiral down the wrong path!

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