Tough day at the office for one extra on the set of ‘Glee.’
After filming the upcoming prom episode where the king and queen are crowned, One extra on the set tweeted out a spoiler of who won the honor of prom king and queen, and ‘Glee’ Executive Producer Brad Falchuck is mad!
Falchuck took to Twitter to fire the extra, saying: “Hope you’re qualified to do something besides work in entertainment. Who are you to spoil something talented people have spent months to create?”
Sort of true, but spoilers come out anyways, so if she hadn’t done it, someone would have.
In case you are the spoiler lover, read below to find out who wins king and queen.
In the episode, it’s reportedly Kurt Hummel’s return to William McKinley High, where he wins the honor of prom queen, a big feat for his gay character who has had some trouble dealing with being a gay high school student.
The king? His nemesis Karofsky.
Can’t wait to see how that pans out!
That’s too bad someone decided to leak information on the show. I’m glad there is a show on TV with this much talent. I happen to be a big fan of Glee and I’m glad that I can watch it on when I miss an episode. This is just one of the many benefits of being a DISH Network customer and employee.