Kate Gosselin Ordered To Pay $10,000 To Marriage Counselor

At least she has the money! Kate Gosselin has been ordered to pay a marriage counselor the sum of $10,000.00

According to a Pennsylvania paper, the judge has ordered Gosselin to pay the fee for a trip that therapist Sylvia Lafair traveled to Los Angeles with Jon and Kate Gosselin back in March of 2009 and that Gosselin had refused to pay for the services or any of Lafair’s travel fees.

Gosselin will appeal the decision, claiming that Lafair was Jon’s therapist, and that he refused to take the trip to Los Angeles unless the therapist accompanied them, so it should be him footing the bill.

Gosselin also claims that she never entered into any agreement with the therapist.

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One Response to Kate Gosselin Ordered To Pay $10,000 To Marriage Counselor

  1. May 24, 2011 at 6:42 pm #

    I think they she should have to pay for the marriage counselor and then have her go directly to the looney bin. She of all people needs some help STILL!

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