The deadline to register to vote could be as little as 3 days away, and a bunch of Hollywood Dems have released a new PSA urging you to vote.
It’s actually pretty funny, at least when Jonah Hill is talking. Okay only when Jonah Hill is talking.
But it’s worth it to watch just for Jonah Hill! Oh and if you ever wondered what happened to Frankie “The Enforcer” Stichino from Boy Meets World… here’s your answer.
Also featured in the video are Leonardo DiCaprio, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Jamie Foxx, Sarah Silverman, Jennifer Aniston, Will I. Am, Forrest Whittaker, Tobey McGuire, Eva Longoria-Parker, and Ellen!
Make sure you are registered though!
Visit to find out where, or just listen to Sarah Silverman in the video.
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