Five weeks.

sw.jpgSo, I finally got home.  I decided to stop crying and actually research the Patrick Swayze cancer situation (maybe there was some mistake?).  And, if I was crying before, now I’m a total wreck!  It seems Patrick Swayze has had a tough couple of months, silently battling pancreatic cancer, now metastasized.  During this past month alone, Patrick Swayze has undergone numerous radical chemotherapy treatments, at the world renowned Stanford University Cancer Center, located in Palo Alto, California.  He has also suffered many of the physical reactions to the treatment, including massive weight loss and nausea.  A spokesperson representing Swayze has confirmed that, although the tumor did shrink as a result of the chemo, the results are not positive, and his prognosis is quite grim… Swayze could have as little as five weeks to live!  He and his family were told to prepare for the worse, according to National Enquirer .Also reporting on the subject,

“[Swayze] has lost more than 20 pounds in the past few weeks and is restricted to a liquid diet because he has trouble keeping down solid food, added the insider.  ‘It’s time to start praying for a miracle.'”

That I will definitely do.  I will pray.  If not for a miracle, then at least for much needed strength, love, and support both for Patrick and his loved ones, during this difficult time… We’ve all had the time of our lives with Swayze, he made us smile, dance, laugh, sometimes even dream.  And, for that, he deserves all our support, whether it be in the form of “prayer”, “visualization”, or just plain “good vibes” and

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