Michael Lohan Taking Credit For Lindsay and Sam’s New Years Fight?

He’s not coming out and directly saying it, but a new post on Michael Lohan’s official blog kinda sort of boasts about the fact that maybe some things he’s said have made some people realize some certain things.

After reports of a New Years Eve lovers quarrel that may have split up Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson, Mike Lohan posted the following in a (way too long) post on his new site;

“I know a lot of you are saying or will say, “well Mike, you shouldn’t have made your or your families personal business so public!” Or others of you will say, “you only say and do the things you do for attention.” Well you are both right, but in different ways. I try to get attention so that people learn from what I say and through the experiences I’ve had. And I only made my personal business public because I had no way of reaching the people that needed to hear!

Sure, maybe I could have said or done things differently, and believe me, I have paid the price and even learned from what I’ve said and done, but at the same time, maybe, just maybe, what I said and did, DIDN’T fall upon deaf ears!!! I guess we will have to see, won’t we.

It’s only a matter of time before one of the two hits back on their myspace..

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