America Ferrera might just be knocked up! She certainly ate enough for two at Basix in West Hollywood this past weekend! Who knows. . .maybe really huge, oversized, maternity type tops are the in thing this season. . . humm. . .(tapping my nails on my teeth Sylvia Brown style) America did show up at […]
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Jessica’s Bump Watch
Back from Sundance and what is there to do in rainy Hollywood? Hit the gym. The mother to be, was seen “working on her fitness” with her VERY expensive engagement ring on. After about an hour of a hot workout, Jessica Alba left the gym to meet hubby-to-be Cash Warren for lunch.

Britney Spears Made It!
***UPDATE***She just left court… BEFORE the hearing began! Hopefully she just went on a Starbucks run! Yes folks, Britney Spears arrived only minutes after K-Fed for her emergency custody hearing! I wonder who dared to wake her up before 9a.m. They probably lied to her and told her they were going to the Cheeto factory. […]

J. Lo is a GLOW
OMG! How adorable does Jenny from the block look all knocked up!?! She is just glowing!!!! She has never, ever looked better! Now Mr. Lopez on the other hand aka Marc Anthony is looking more and more zombie like. Barf. To think I used to have the hots for this skeleton before he and Jennifer […]